When we arrived, once again our hotel wasn’t ready for us so we got to hang out in the lobby for an hour and a half. The show was supposed to be outside at the Atsugi Friendship Festival. It was raining again so they moved the show indoors. At 11 am we went and loaded in to the venue and soundchecked. We ate some amazing Jamaican food, and then went back to the hotel to rest, which we all needed. We played from 3-4:30, had a wonderful time, the crowd seemed to enjoy the show, we loaded out, and went back to the hotel to shower. Once we all showered our friend "Mike" showed us around the base and helped us find some food. After dinner we stopped over to the on-base bar for a drink before most of us went home and went to bed. A few members stayed out and ventured off base for some authentic Japanese fun.

1 comment:
Hi ^^ (Konnichiwa!)
I am a Japanese.
I went to NAF ATSUGI to hear your performance.
I heard a performance till the last and was able to enjoy it very much. (and I was glad to shake hands!)
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